[D]eep S]tate Could Be Fleeing USA
This post is BIG news. It features a graphic of a huge number of flights mysteriously departing from USA overnight. Please use your discernment - it could mean anything - but it is suspicious all the same. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/national-news/report-claims-massive-exodus-from-usa-early-sunday-morning The MSM has definitely flipped. NBC News reported that Hillary [C]linton's State department covered up elite [p]edophilia rings (1' 30" video). https://rumble.com/v5q7grt-nbc-news-hillary-clintons-state-department-covered-up-elite-pedophile-rings.html One word for this short video about the jab. Chilling (One minute video). https://gab.com/BeachMilk/posts/113491937341926544 Evil Scarf Woman Deborah Birx admitted freely that the jab didn't work. Notice her body double isn't wearing a scarf in this video - I would guess it signals that the original has been GITMOed (28" video). https://rumble.com/v5q7gg5-flashback-deborah-birx-i-kne